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Key stud­ies and quan­ti­ta­tive sur­veys evi­denc­ing artists’ income and employment

This selected bibliography in order of publication date has arisen from my initial research into the contexts and conditions for artists’ livelihoods in the UK. It is not intended to be comprehensive but as an aid to future researchers in this field. It focuses on key studies and quantitative surveys which provide evidence of income and includes at the end some of my own studies of artists' employment. Some of the material pre-dates the internet and thus is only available in our personal archives as well-thumbed or annotated photocopies and limited publication reports. Updated December 2017.

Brighton, A, Parry J, Pearson N.M. (1985) Enquiry into the Economic Situation of the Visual Artist. London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

Jones, S. (1990) The Visual Arts Survey 1990: Report for the Investment into the Future of Fine Art in Public Places Project. London: London Institute.

Knott, C.A. (1994) Crafts in the 1990s: an independent socio-economic study of craftspeople in England, Scotland and Wales, London: Crafts Council

University of Glasgow, Department of Sociology and Social and Economic Research (1995) A Socio-Economic Study of Artists in Scotland.Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council.

Shaw, P, Allen, K. (1996) Artists’ Rights Programme: A review of artists’ earnings for exhibitions and commissions: Executive Summary. London: National Artists Association

Summerton, J. (1999) Artists at Work: 1999: study of the patterns and conditions of work in the Southern Arts Region, Winchester: Southern Arts Board

Galloway, S, Lindley, R, Davies, R, Scheibl, F. (2002) Balancing Act: artists’ labour markets and the tax and benefits system. London: Arts Council

Patrizio, A, Catto, A, Law, W. (2003) Making their mark: An audit of artists in Scotland – Summary, Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council

Ball, L. (2008) Creative Graduates – Creative Futures. London: CHEAD

Antrobus, C. (2009) The funding and finance needs of artists. London: Artquest, University of the Arts

Etches, S. (2011) The Big Artists Survey. Newcastle: a-n The Artists Information Company

Kretschmer, M, Singh, S, Bently, L, Cooper, E. (2011) Copyright contracts and earnings of visual creators: A survey of 5,800 British designers, fine artists, illustrators and photographers. Bournemouth: Bournemouth University

BOP Consulting (2012) Craft in an Age of Change. London: Crafts Council with Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales, Craft Northern Ireland

Simpson, L. (2013) SAU Membership Survey 2013. Glasgow: Scottish Artists Union.

Abbing, H. (2013) Poverty and support for artists, in A Handbook of Cultural Economics Towse R., ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar pp344-349

DHA, (2013) Paying artists research: Phase 1 findings. Newcastle: a-n The Artists Information Company.

DHA. (2014). Artworks survey of Artists. London: Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Accessible at

SAU (2015) SAU Membership survey 2015. Glasgow: Scottish Artists Union.

Kelly, N. (2016). The Social, Economic, and Fiscal Status of the Visual Artist in Ireland 2016, Dublin: Visual Artists Ireland

Creative Freelancers (2017) London: Creative Industries Federation

SAU (2017) SAU membership survey 2017. Glasgow: Scottish Artists Union

See also

Jones, S. (2009) Art work in 2008. Newcastle: a-n The Artists Information Company

Jones, S. (2011) The changing face of artists' employment. Newcastle: a-n The Artists Information Company. Accessible (paid-for) at

Jones, S (2013) Artists work in 2012. Newcastle, a-n The Artists Information Company. Accessible (paid-for) at

Jones, S. (2014) Artists’ work in 2013. Newcastle, a-n The Artists Information Company. Accessible at

Jones, S (2017). Artists work in 2016. Newcastle, a-n The Artists Information Company. Accessible at

Jones. S. (2014) Artists' low income an international issue. London: The Guardian