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Do artists’ liveli­hoods matter?

Although artists’ liveli­hoods depend on their agency and capac­i­ty to cre­ate and cap­i­talise on their social and eco­nom­ic assets, there’s an inevitable — and unen­vi­able — strug­gle between the intrin­sic moti­va­tions under­pin­ning their art prac­tices and the small busi­ness’ expec­ta­tions of a self-employed status.

Read “Do artists’ livelihoods matter?” in full

Grass­roots call for rad­i­cal change

An inde­pen­dent review demon­strat­ing the severe impacts of the pan­dem­ic on the social and eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances of visu­al artists reveals the diver­gent per­spec­tives at nation­al and local lev­els in Eng­land about what artists and the arts are for, and on how and where future arts pol­i­cy should be made and implemented.

Read “Grassroots call for radical change” in full

Crack­ing up: the pan­dem­ic effect on visu­al artists’ livelihoods

Analy­sis of the plight of visu­al artists dur­ing Covid-19 illu­mi­nates the work­ing con­di­tions of a chron­i­cal­ly under-exam­ined sub-sec­tion of cul­tur­al labour. It demon­strates the sever­i­ty of pan­dem­ic impacts on visu­al artists’ social and eco­nom­ic cir­cum­stances, includ­ing from inap­pro­pri­ate cri­te­ria for access­ing gov­ern­ment and Arts Coun­cil Eng­land emer­gency mea­sures. A cen­tral con­cern is con­sid­er­a­tion of how arts poli­cies might bet­ter acknowl­edge and account in future arts infra­struc­tures for the dis­tinc­tive, diverse social con­tri­bu­tions of this work­force ele­ment. The com­men­tary reveals a stark con­trast between ambi­tions at nation­al and local lev­els about what artists and the arts are for, and where and how arts pol­i­cy should be made and imple­ment­ed. It evi­dences an emerg­ing grass­roots appetite for a dra­mat­ic shift from cur­rent hier­ar­chi­cal pat­terns dri­ven by nation­al imper­a­tives to nuanced, localised infra­struc­tures that can ensure artists’ mul­ti­ple tal­ents and assets con­tribute ful­ly to social and eco­nom­ic change for the bet­ter with­in communities.

Read “Cracking up: the pandemic effect on visual artists’ livelihoods” in full

Telling tales: artists’ pan­dem­ic stories

A new qual­i­ta­tive, lon­gi­tu­di­nal study sur­pris­ing­ly demon­strates how the lives and artis­tic prospects of many visu­al artists improved in pan­dem­ic con­di­tions and by doing so, pro­vides clues to the infra­struc­tur­al shifts need­ed to hon­our and sus­tain the tal­ents and vibran­cy of this diverse con­stituen­cy in future.

Read “Telling tales: artists' pandemic stories” in full

Artists’ pre­car­i­ty not just about pay

In the pan­dem­ic, gov­ern­ment and Arts Coun­cil Eng­land built a defen­sive hedge around the most vis­i­ble aspects of the arts infra­struc­ture. Staffers in insti­tu­tions got time, space and mon­ey to address frag­ile busi­ness mod­els and secure their futures. How­ev­er, the emer­gency arts fund­ing schemes for free­lance artists failed to address their artis­tic, emo­tion­al and liveli­hood needs. 

Read “Artists’ precarity not just about pay” in full

Artists’ pan­dem­ic stories

The exclu­sive and short-term emer­gency arts fund­ing schemes from gov­ern­ment and Arts Coun­cil Eng­land to free­lance artists failed to address their liveli­hood needs, with the major­i­ty allowed to fall through the cracks. Ear­ly evi­dence from a lon­gi­tu­di­nal study sur­pris­ing­ly demon­strates that the lives and artis­tic prospects of many artists pos­i­tive­ly improved in pan­dem­ic con­di­tions. This offers clues to the sub­stan­tial shifts in arts infra­struc­tures nec­es­sary to hon­our and sus­tain the tal­ents and vibran­cy of the diverse artists’ con­stituen­cy in future.

Read “Artists' pandemic stories” in full